Reducing single-use plastics:
Since my first Blog about reducing my single-use plastics consumption by looking at alternative ways of purchasing food, Swedish 16-year-old, Greta Thunberg sparked a global movement against climate change through her #FridaysforFuture demonstrations. On 15 March 2019, an estimated 1.4 million students across 112 countries around the world joined Greta in refusing to go to school to demand action against the biggest threat to their future.
Sustainability is making headlines everywhere, from shunning fast-fashion to making savvy switches to reduce your waste. Individual actions will make a difference so the best time to act is now.
Small changes
I’ve further expanded my divorce from single-use plastic and have explored many alternatives in the realms of personal hygiene. Please find as follows my tried and tested suggestions for a plastic free toiletry bag:
Crystal deodorant
This product costs approximately £5 and one stick provides a year’s supply! Application is similar to a roll-on deodorant but directly onto wet skin (after a shower for example). Whilst the case is plastic, it is labelled ‘Recyclable’, plus one stick per year has much less impact on the environment than frequent use of aerosols or roll-on deodorants. It isn't an anti-perspirant, but does eliminate odour, leaving no white marks. Plus it's 100% natural!
Safety razor/razor blades
The double edge safety razor costs approximately £15 (I use Jagen David) and the double edge razor blades cost approximately £3.50 (I use Shark razor blades). The razor itself will last for many years if looked after properly and the blades will last for roughly 10 uses (five on each side of the blade). It provides a closer, smoother shave and is much cheaper than disposable razors/blades. It may take you longer to shave until you get used to it; however, it provides a30 degree angle and very light pressure should be applied when using this product.

Shampoo / conditioner bars and soap
Shampoo/conditioner bars cost approximately £7 each (I use Lush) and bar soap can cost as little as 70p from local supermarkets. Shampoo and conditioner bars lasts for 60-80 hair washes and zero packaging is used. Plus, they don't take up your liquid allowance when travelling.
Bamboo reusable makeup remover pads
These cost approximately £10 for eight reusable pads (I use La Nature from Ecobeau). Bamboo is a sustainable alternative to cotton, plus it's reusable; wash after use and leave to dry naturally. They can be used with any type of makeup remover/cleanser etc. but they're not suitable for the removal of nail varnish. On average, one reusable pad is the equivalent of using 300 disposable cotton pads!
Bamboo cotton buds
Bamboo cotton buds cost approximately £2.50 (I use Hydrophil from Ecobeau). They are 100% Bio-degradable and compostable, they're plastic free plus Hydrophil donate 10% of their profits to Viva con Agua, a charity that provides access to clean drinking water for people worldwide. They're water neutral, Fair Trade and cruelty free, and come packaged in recycled cardboard.
Natural toothpaste / floss and mouthwash tablets
These products contain between £5 to £9 (I use Georganics from Ecobeau). They contain natural ingredients are plastic free, recyclable and the associated packaging is compostable. I also use a bamboo toothbrush from Truthbrush.
Sun protection
The product I use - Shade from Plastic Freedom - costs approximately £10. It's plastic free, SPF25 and contains only natural ingredients. It also moisturises, as well as providing UV protection.
To summarise, here are some of my favourite less plastic / plastic free shops:
Next, I’m looking into alternative household cleaning products. Visit the recycle-more Blog page in a few weeks to find out more.
Disclaimer: The opinions expressed in this weblog represent those of the author, Louise Tompkinson, and are not those of recycle-more, Valpak Limited or any other organisation.