Carbon Management
Carbon management
With the introduction of mandatory carbon reporting legislation in the UK for listed organisations and increasing corporate social responsibility (CSR) pressures, carbon measurement, reporting and reduction is fast becoming a strategic priority for many organisations.
What is carbon management ?
Carbon management is centered around the measurement, management and mitigation of the six greenhouse gases (GHGs) covered by the Kyoto Procotol. Typical activities involved in carbon management include:
- Define objectives i.e. do you want to measure the carbon footprint for your organisation or for a particular product
- Define scope of measurement i.e. direct emissions, indirect emissions or both
- Collection and analysis of data to identify opportunities to reduce carbon emissions
- Setting targets for carbon reduction
- Raising employee awareness
- Offsetting your carbon emissions
What are the benefits ?
The benefits you can gain from effective carbon management include:
- On-going cost savings
- Improved environmental performance
- Illustrate the sustainability of your products
- Positive PR opportunities
- Certification to carbon standards such as PAS 2050, PAS 2060 and ISO 14064
- Ensures compliance with existing carbon legislation
- Ensures you are prepared for future carbon legislation